Ram Gopal Varma’s biopic on Paritala Ravi will soon go onto the floors in October. The film has been titled “Raktha Charithra” and it will be released in Hindi and Telugu. Vivek Oberoi is playing Paritala Ravi in Hindi, while the Telugu version has Aadi, the son of director, Raviraja Pinishetty donning Paritala Ravi’s role. Surya is donning Suri’s role in both the versions. However the big news is that dialogue king, Mohan Babu will be playing the role of NTR in this film. It’s a known fact that NTR was the CM of AP when Paritala Ravi entered into politics.
The supporters of Paritala Ravi and others in general are eagerly awaiting this movie. Let’s hope that Ram Gopal Varma adopts a sensitive approach to the portrayal of all these characters. The film will be released in two parts, with the first version focused on Paritala Ravi, while the second version is focused on Suri’s rivalry with Paritala Ravi.
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