The Bangalore damsel, Krithi Kharbanda who made her debut with “Boni” is a busy girl these days. Although her performance was appreciated, the film turned out to be a dud at box office. When asked about why she disappeared from the tabloids totally, she said that she was based in Bangalore and comes to Hyderabad only once in a week. However, she’s said to be in constant touch with the producers here in Tollywood. Krithi also makes it clear that she’s not ashamed to ask for work from producers for prospective roles in their films.
She’s making a guest appearance in a film being directed by Nandini, a protégé of ace director, Krishna Vamsi. The failure of “Boni” at the box office seems to have made her stronger and more confident of her efforts to succeed. wishes her all the best.
Allu arjun At Touch Pub In March 28th
Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
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14 years ago
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