Congress leaders have all gone into a damage control mode after senior leaders like V Hanumantha Rao fluttered the feathers. The whole day, senior leaders like D Srinivas, Danam Nagendar and other have all been directly attacking and urging VH to show some respect or categorically denying the accusations made by VH. In a desperate attempt to prove that situation is normal in Congress, DS addressed a press conference and urged the media to show some restrain in reporting the situation. He requested the media to avoid sensationalism and understand the bad phase through which Congress is going through after the demise of YSR. Earlier today, hundreds of Congress activists protested against the scathing remarks of VH and shouted slogans against him. It’s high time that CM and the high command take some stern action against all those leaders who are deliberately trying to defame the reputation of the party
Allu arjun At Touch Pub In March 28th
Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
He is Rocking Every Where
14 years ago
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