It is a known fact that Bollywood super hit movie Love Aaj Kal is being remade in Telugu which would be directed by popular director Jayanth C Paranji. The latest news is that Deepika Padukone may make her debut in Tollywood with this film which is yet to be titled in Telugu. Power Star Pawan Kalyan is playing the lead role which was played by Saif Ali Khan in the original version. Popular comedian Ganesh is producing the movie under Parameshwari Arts banner and making all efforts to launch the movie on March 29th. Trivikram Srinivas is penning the dialogues for this movie.
Allu arjun At Touch Pub In March 28th
Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
He is Rocking Every Where
14 years ago
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