Prakash Raj, who made his debut with Mani Ratnam’s Iruvar, is all set to make a mark in Bollywood with Wanted The actor has also played the villain in the Telugu and Tamil versions of the film. Boney Kapoor feels that after Amrish Puri, there has been no real villain in Bollywood, and Prakash Raj is perfect for it. He feels that after the success of Ghajini and after the release of his film Wanted, the trend of hero-versus-villain movies will be revived again.
Prakash plays Gani bhai in Wanted. The character is feared by friends and foes for his razor sharp mind. The film, directed by Prabhu Deva, is a remake of Pokiri. Prakash says that he wants to do different types of roles and experiment. However, at the same time, he has to do commercial films to fulfil his ambitions. He still remains the number one villain in South Indian cinema!
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Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
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