Rajamouli's wife, Rama Rajamouli apparently has a rather surprising nickname for her husband and Ace director Rajamouli. She apparently calls him a dodo. This one would think is rather unflattering because dodo is a bird which is usually associated with being dumb and lazy. And the close few people who know Rajamouli swear that he is anything but dumb. In fact in the industry he is called Jackanna after the famous sculptor who even today is known for creating masterpieces of art in stone. But his good wife Rama Rajamouli seems to think that even after Magadheera's record run at the box office her dear hubby is low on the intelligence front. Technicians who worked with Rajamouli on Magadheera were surprised at the amount of detail that Rajamouli was able to visualize when shooting the scenes that would be used for CG. And for all this he gets nicknamed as a dodo
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