Naga Chaitanya’s debut film Josh which created hype, cools down within a week of its release as it fails to reach the expectations of Nag fans. It not only disappointed his fans but also the entire Akkineni family, especially Nagarjuna He believed that Dil Raju who is known as golden hand in the industry for giving life to many new artists, has failed to repeat his treat with Naga Chaitanya , the darling son of Nagarjuna It makes Nag feel regrets for putting his son in the hand of Dil Raju, without a second thought. Though, he is not fully responsible for the failure, Raju also said to be feeling guilty for his failure. But, it is too late to regret for anything.
Allu arjun At Touch Pub In March 28th
Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
He is Rocking Every Where
14 years ago
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