Recently, a Ghazal album was launched in Kabul which is dedicated to Indo-Afghanistan peace and friendship. The ghazal album titled “Doosti-Soul” was sung by Dr. Ghazal Srinivas and it is in Dari, Pashto, Balochi, Urdu and Hindi.
The album was launched by Dr. Fraidoon Noorzad who is chairman of Maiwand Bank. Speaking at the occasion, Dr. Fraidoon said that this is a great beginning and that they will continue to support Dr. Srinivas peace mission in Afghanistan.
Dr. Srinivas thanked Maiwand Bank, Delhi, Afghanistan Embassy and Kam Airlines for supporting his peace mission.
He also entertained the audience with his peace songs in Dari, Pashto, English, Italian, Spanish, Urdu and Hindi ghazals. “Ba Afghani vatan salaam Bugo”, the song in Dari language received a standing ovation.
Hats off Ghazal Srinivas!!!
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