KVP Ramachandra Rao, the Rajya Sabha MP and confidant of YSR, could be the kingmaker again. Every news channel in the state has taken keen interest on where he has been going and people whom he’s meeting during his visits. Days after the sudden demise of YSR, many leaders of Congress party have been in constant touch with KVP and these khadi clad men are leaving no stone unturned to convince KVP to make a strong point to the party command that they have few options left if they don’t support Y S Jagan from becoming the next CM. KVP has been taking the middle path all these days by trying to convince the party cadre to control their emotions and at the same time strengthen the case in favour of Y S Jagan. But the confusion about who will be next CM, despite K Rosaiah handling the state affairs, seems to prevail and the answer to this question is yet to be answered.
For now, every news channel is trying its best to get as much information as possible from KVP about what the final decision of the party high command would be. The party high command is however in no mood to buckle under the pressure from the state Congress. If the leaders in Delhi continue to delay the final decision on who will be the next CM in AP, it will be only a matter of time that it will face the ire of people and also opposition parties in AP.
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Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
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