Actress Anushka Sharma who impressed every one with her debut film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi is now acting in two films. After pairing up with Shah Rukh Khan in her maiden venture she will be seen opposite Akshay Kumar and Shahid Kapur.
Anushka and Akshay will star in Patiala House which is being directed by Nikhil Advani. In Parmeet Sethi’s untitled film she is paired with Shahid Kapur. In recent years the films of Akshay and Shahid have become good money spinners at the box office.
Anushka says she will not sign any more films until these two projects are completed. She has high hopes that she will have a hat-trick of hits.
Anushka and Akshay will star in Patiala House which is being directed by Nikhil Advani. In Parmeet Sethi’s untitled film she is paired with Shahid Kapur. In recent years the films of Akshay and Shahid have become good money spinners at the box office.
Anushka says she will not sign any more films until these two projects are completed. She has high hopes that she will have a hat-trick of hits.
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