Usha Kiron Movies which brought many youthful super hit films like ‘Chitram’, ‘Nuvve Kavali’, ‘Anandam’, ‘Nachchavule’, etc., is now coming up with ‘Ninnu Kalisaaka’. The recently released audio is said to be getting good response. Sunil Kashyap provided the music while the lyrics were penned by Vanamali, Lakshmi Bhoopal. and Ananth Sriram.
As Usha Kiron Movies is known to introduce new heroes and heroines, this film also introduces fresh faces – Santosh and Chaitanya as heroes and Priya and Deepasha as heroines. Other prominent cast includes Krishnudu, Tarun Master, MS Narayana, Sandeep, Subhashini, Saraswathi Pradeep etc.
BL Sanjay is handling the camera, story was written by Jai Kiran and dialogues by Lakshmi Bhoopal.
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