The CM K. Rosaiah, got down to business yesterday. He sat dow at Dr Marri Chenna Reddy’s HRD institute at 4 pm yesterday along with Chief secretary P Ramakanth Reddy, CM’s principal secretary Jannat Hussain. Special secretaries MGVK Bhanu and Madireddy Pratap were also present. In what was later to be known as a signing session the CM cleared a whopping number of files – 415 no less – by 7:30 pm that evening. The pace of clearance has had the babus in sachivalayam reeling and shaking their head in disbelief. Interestingly YSR’s aide KVP Ramachandra Rao was absent in this signing session. Whenever such confidential meetings are held in under YSR, KVP used to be present. An official in the CMO said that “The late YSR could not sign the files during the budget session. We were expecting that he would clear the files immediately after the end of the Assembly session. But his sudden death prevented that.” With this act Rosaiah has sent a clear signal to one and all that he has the grip on the state’s governance handle. He further instructed officials to submit all the files requiring the green signal from him. As a media official quipped in TV, “Sachivalayam malli speed andhukuntondhi”!
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Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
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