The Ram Charan and Kajal Agarwal starrer Magadheera is now all set to reach the 50 days mark. Producer Allu Aravind has decided to add some new scenes to the film now.
The new scenes will feature some action scenes on Ram Charan, romantic scenes between Ram Charan and Kajal Agarwal and some more footage on Sri Hari who played Sher Khan.
The film is already attracting repeat audience and with the addition of the new scenes the film makers hope that the repeat audience will go up. Allu wants the film to run for 100 days. The film will now run for well over three hours now.
The new scenes will feature some action scenes on Ram Charan, romantic scenes between Ram Charan and Kajal Agarwal and some more footage on Sri Hari who played Sher Khan.
The film is already attracting repeat audience and with the addition of the new scenes the film makers hope that the repeat audience will go up. Allu wants the film to run for 100 days. The film will now run for well over three hours now.
It is known news that the film ‘Magadheera’ has been ruling the roost when it comes to its performance at the box office.
Now, there is news that producer Allu Aravind has been quite happy with the response and now he has announced that a new scene would be added into the film.
This is a fight scene and it has Ramcharan Teja, Kajal Agarwal, real star Srihari along with Rao Ramesh. This scene would be seen from the 18th of this month onwards since that day marks the completion of 50 days of the film in the highest number of centers in the history of Tollywood.
Allu is positive that even this scene would be met with a good response.
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