Balakrishna’s latest film ‘Simha’ is the last leg of its production. Recently, the film unit was in Mysore to shoot a song. However, things didn’t go as planned and while shooting this song, Balakrishna injured himself. Sources say that it is a bone injury in the leg. He was admitted in the CARE hospital yesterday where he underwent a minor surgery. The doctors have advised him to take atleast 15 days of rest. Apart from this song, one last song is yet to be shot and the film unit had planned to go to Jordan to shoot this song. Following this incident, the shooting of the film has been postponed till Balakrishna recovers completely. The film’s release too has been postponed to May.
Boyapati Srinu is directing this film. Parachuri Prasad is producing the film under the ‘United Movies’ banner. Nayanatara, Namitha and Sneha Ullal are the lead actresses. Chakri is composing the music.
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Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
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