If Delhi had any doubts about Y S Jagan’s hold on the state politics, they sure would have been dispelled yesterday. In an emotionally surcharged speech the young prince in waiting held the audience in the palm of his hand. In tone, mannerism, and intent Y S Jagan resembled his father, the late CM Dr. YSR. It was not as much as a meeting that took place under the scorching sun yesterday. Instead what was seen was a sea of humanity that had spontaneously gathered and filled in every nook and corner of the wide open spaces near the crash site, at Nallakaluva. The old, young, the able-bodied and the handicapped, men, women and children they all came in droves and sat there, listening intently to the young man who despite his own personal tragedy rallied everyone to be brave and cheerful. “Nanna mee navvulo inkaa brathikae unnaru”, he said his voice choking with emotion. The men in the crowd wept silently, while the women wailed their heart out. But everyone connected to the message of hope that he passed on. And as the crowds dispersed there was no doubts whatsoever in their minds as to who the future CM would be – Y S Jagan had once again given a proof for the doubting Thomas’s. Delhi's denial can at best be temporary. Sooner than later Delhi has to yield.
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