The audio of Village Lo Vinayakudu was launched recently and Audio CD is available at Rs.9.98 only. Director cum Producer Sai Kiran said that, “He wants everyone to enjoy the melodious songs of the film before its release, so as they can understand how well is the film. There are many more offers coming with the CD. A Reliance GSM-SIM card with life time validity is given along with the CD at free of cost, and there are lucky dip prizes will be given with every CD purchase. Yandamoori Veerendranath plays a an important role in the Krishnudu and Saranya Mohan starrer. Mahi is the producer and it is made under the banner of Moonwater Pictures. Music director Manikanth Kadri said this is the second film for him after Avakai Biryani.
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