Producer Vallabhaneni Vamsimohan’s movie in the making "Adurs" with Jr. NTR and Nayanatara playing the lead roles is progressing at a brisk pace. The flick is being made under Vaishnavi Pictures banner in Kodali Nani’s presentation with V.V. Vinayak as its director. The news is that the heroine Nayanatara suddenly started vomiting when shooting was going on. Of course, no need to mistake it for something else! Film nagar sources inform, the reason for vomiting is just indigestion problem and Prabhu deva has nothing to do with NayanTara’s vomitings.
Allu arjun At Touch Pub In March 28th
Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
He is Rocking Every Where
14 years ago
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