Puri Jagannadh's home-production movie "Bumper Offer" audio release function took place on Friday night in Prasad Labs. Along with the audio, Puri's music company 'Puri Sangeeth' was also launched formally. Puri's kid brother Sairamram Shankar is playing the hero's role in "Bumper Offer". Famous heroes Prabhas, Raviteja, Gopichand, Rajasekhar and others participated in the function. Speaking on the occasion Puri Jagannadh said " in the past I have made a movie "143" with my brother as hero.
It earned the name as a good flick but I didn't get money in return." Rajsekhar asked the reason for it and Puri replied " it's all fate1 though my friend the director Jayaravindra has done a good job, but somehow it didn't click."
Allu arjun At Touch Pub In March 28th
Stylish Star Allu arjun at Touch Pub in March 28th
He is Rocking Every Where
14 years ago
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