The much awaited film “Eenadu” starring Venkatesh, Kamal Hassan will hit the screens worldwide on 18th September. This bilingual film (named as “Unnai Pol Oruvan” in Tamil) is a remake of Neeraj Pandey’s “A Wednesday” which had some of the finest actors like Anupam Kher, Naseeruddin Shah. The Hindi version was one of the biggest hits of 2008 too. The Telugu version of this film, “Eenadu” is also the first time where Kamal Hassan and Venkatesh have shared the screen. The trailers of the film have created a lot of buzz and the film is touted to be a trendsetter in terms of its concept, narration. Both Venkatesh and Kamal Hassan have reiterated that it’s a brilliant film and hoped that people would also love this film. Multistarrers seem to be the order of the day in Bollywood, however this trend hasn’t picked up yet in South. “Eenadu” changes that equation and let’s hope that it heralds a new era where movie buffs across the state can see their favourite stars acting together.
Chakri Toleti makes his debut as a director with this film and Shruthi Hassan has composed the background score of this film. It’s also her debut film as a music director. The film is being produced under Kamal Hassan’s own banner, Rajkamal International. wishes the “Eenadu” team a grand success at box office.
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He is Rocking Every Where
14 years ago
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